报名开启 | 全明星+硬拉+室内铁三 FUN肆开启IWF“女神杯”2019举重联盟赛 | Registrate NOW! | Concept2

报名开启 | 全明星+硬拉+室内铁三 FUN肆开启IWF“女神杯”2019举重联盟赛 | Registrate NOW!

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Jan 11, 2019

女神杯体能训练比赛 + Concept2划船机 滑雪机 风阻单车

还有3个月就到了一年一度的IWF “女神杯”举重联盟赛全明星堂2019了。 转眼间我们办比赛从2016年开始到现在已经是第三个年头,不知道多少届了。今年我们非常开心再次与IWF合作,将奥林匹克举重这一小众运动带到大家面前,虽小却必将不可逆势地发展起来。

“女神杯”(Venus Weightlifting Cup)一项坚守自己的奥林匹克举重传统。又拥抱和各个优质品牌的结合,让女神杯更加丰满。也持续焕发光彩。

因为没有各个赞助商的支持,赛事本身也不能健康长远的发展。 所以也非常感谢各位金主爸爸!

Hello everyone, again it’s time for the exciting event of the year coming for the lifers. Venus Weightlifting League 2018-2019 ALL STARS is about to be held on 7-8th March with our Partner IWF - one of the top fitness expo in Asia.

These year, we will not only have the Olympic weightlifting competition, but also we create a whole new way to compete for testing the fitness limit of the athlete -VENUTHLON. Basically you will finish of different cardio challenge within one minute and there will be ten stops in the Venuthlon event. So good luck with it.

In the two days competition, we also have the deadlift competition and the Venus indoor triathlon, so for the Hercules and the cardio-lovers you can all join us for your own part of fun.

女神杯体能训练比赛 + Concept2划船机 滑雪机 风阻单车
女神杯体能训练比赛 + Concept2划船机 滑雪机 风阻单车
女神杯体能训练比赛 + Concept2划船机 滑雪机 风阻单车

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